banana peel sunsets
colleagues wearing
cardboard cut-out faces
my headset is a vice
hell is between the ears
and over them too
Amanda calls
from Dublin
talking in a high sexy tone
digging at my soul
or some godly thing
she says I have
a nice accent
and asks
where I'm from
there's a kindness
a vulnerability
in the way she talks
and I'm suddenly hard
blood clot cock
like a rising hammer
the skull tightens
I take her card payment
and she says I should
come over to Dublin
some time
I tell her yes I will
but I wont go to Dublin
an I'll never see Amanda
then I hang up the phone
the next call
comes fast
and the next
and the next
This poem was previously published in the chapbook 'The Streetlights are Beckoning Nirvana' (Analog Submission Press)