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cloudburst symphonies fall like soft rain, receding into submission, closed curtain secrecy. a black fly s t r e t c h e s a wing ...

chippin away at it

writing is an unburdening of the soul. a total release. a rebellion against control. often a painful process. an act that brings with it...

fear and uncertainty

there comes a time when we have to face ourselves. to face our demons. confront our mortality. in a cage. under the lights. or on a...

where do these people get off?

the word blackmail is racist as fuck. black mail don't mean nothing. but blackmail, blackmail! implies black people are conniving and...

the gift

we are fighters. warriors not in the sense of battle but in defeating the mind. no obstacle is unconquerable. we will wake to flooded...

do you remember?

I put the duvet over my eyes and let time do it's job and if the eyelids open tomorrow they may open and if they remain shut I will...

the meat of it

long sleeping in comfortable beds with warm pillows in air conditioned houses cars on finance and £800/month apartments stuffing their...


We are looking for meaning in everything. Something to make sense of. And I think meaning can be a single word. A single look. A single...

testosterone injections at the call centre

banana peel sunsets colleagues wearing cardboard cut-out faces my headset is a vice hell is between the ears and over them too Amanda...

society's dirty fingernails

blood dirt job dirt money worth less polish your picture or don't it stains anyway pole-axed this way or that we must...


the soil has no respiration it has given up fighting the flowers have choked in their sleep I can hold you if I strain my will but it...

ket kids n donner meat n chips 

her face was a dali painting of last night's ket sesh with a cigarette tucked over her ear and a nose piercing like one of those hipsters...

the helpless morning rush

forever moving as if owned by invisible wires dragged in every di-rec-tion the helpless morning rush millions of ants so insignificant...

this is not dante's inferno

we don't get better there is no getting better we just hurt a little less and what is more explodes like a dying star and what is dead...

©2019 by Aqeel Parvez

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